Do we need to write our own vows?

This is totally up to you. The beauty of a celebrant led ceremony is that you are not limited to any script! I have a series of example vows, ranging from traditional through to more contemporary. I really encourage my couples to at least give it a go, and I am always there to offer a helping hand along the way. This is your wedding and your declaration of love and commitment to each other so all your need to do it speak from the heart. Trust me - it’s one of the greatest pleasures of celebrant led wedding ceremonies!

Are you able to attend the rehearsal?

If you are having one - then absolutely! With my history as a theatre director, I know how helpful rehearsals can be. However, wedding rehearsals are not always necessary or possible - but rest assured I will be well practiced for the big day! There is no additional cost to attend the rehearsal itself, but if this means an additional overnight stay then this may need to be factored into costings - each situation is unique.

How do we stay in touch?

That is totally up to you! Call, email, text - all absolutely fine! There is even the option to set up a WhatsApp group so we can share ideas and questions at any time. Just remember, I am your celebrant - If you need me, I am only ever at the end of the phone or screen.

We are getting married abroad - can you still be our celebrant?


Is the ceremony legal?

Independent celebrant led weddings are not currently legal in the UK, however we are campaigning hard to change that, and we are almost there…! We passionately believe that couples should have a greater choice and be able to have weddings that are not only meaningful to them, but also legally recognised. You can read about the latest developments with the Law Commission here - fingers crossed for 2025!

As the law currently stands, you will need to have a separate civil service, in addition to your celebrant wedding. Many couples do ‘the legal bit’ at their local Registry Office a couple of days before their big day (this costs under £50 for a basic service). All you need are two witnesses and you don’t even need to exchange rings or vows so you can save all the ‘fun stuff’ for your ACTUAL wedding. Your celebrant-led ceremony (with me!) is a fully bespoke and personalised celebration of love and commitment witnessed by your friends and family and it is this date that will signify the anniversary of your wedding.

Is it not more expensive to have two ceremonies?

Not necessarily! Having a basic legal service at a Registry Office followed by a celebrant led wedding ceremony need not cost much more and in some cases may even be less expensive! I am obviously bias, but I truly believe the unique value of a bespoke and personalised ceremony, done exactly how you want, is well worth the extra pennies.

For example, the cost of a Registrar-led ceremony at one of the Registry Offices or Town Halls in London are as follows:

from £595 to £630*  Monday – Friday
from £780 to £900* Weekends and Public Holidays

For a Registrar to lead a ceremony at an approved premises, the costs are:

from £660 to £725  Monday to Friday
from £820 to £1035 Weekends and Public Holidays

This does not include any fees charged by the venue and the cost of giving notice.

Approved and licensed wedding venues charge a premium for weddings, often charging per guest with a considerable mark up. So by having a basic legal ceremony at a Registry Office a couple of days before (£57 on a weekday) and then the main event with a celebrant led-ceremony in a venue of your choosing (not restricted by licences and approved suppliers) - then you are much more likely to be able to control costs and have complete ownership over your big day.

By choosing a celebrant led wedding ceremony you are able to experience a personalised, bespoke and flexible ceremony that exactly meets your wants and needs without the restrictions of time, venue and suppliers.

*information from RBKC website for ceremonies taking place 2025 - 2026 and excludes the cost of giving notice.